The Archaic Image of Meybod

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Geographical location of Meybod

Meybod with an area of 845 square kilometers is located at 54 degrees and 45 seconds longitude (54/00/54) and 32 degrees and 14 minutes and 45 seconds latitude (32/14/45) and its height from the surface The sea is 1234 meters on average.
Meybod city is limited from the east and north to Ardakan city, from the south and west of Sadough city (to the center of Ashkzar).
Its distance to the center of the country and neighboring cities is:
Meybod to Tehran 627 km, to Mashhad 1300 km, to Isfahan 260 km, to Yazd 45 km, to Ardakan 10 km, to Ashkzar 25 km and to Nodoshan 45 km.


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